Wednesday, 25 November 2015

3 Tips For Quality Homework Time

Homework is a valuable tool in a child’s education. Unfortunately, some schools are moving away from this educational requirement. The reasons for doing so are many and varied; however, it may not be the homework itself that is problematic, instead it may be how the homework is approached. Here are 3 tips on how you can expand your child’s mind by increasing quality homework time, with “quality” being the key word here.

1. Develop a Routine

Set aside a specific time each day for completing homework. Make sure that this is a time when you will be available to offer assistance as needed. The parent may need only to ensure the child sticks to the routine, but scheduled homework time should include the parent and the child.

2. Create a Homework Station

Quality homework time also means having an area designated just for homework tasks.  An effective study environment will have these characteristics.

•    Good lighting
•    Free from distractions
•    Supplies readily available (pens, calculators, paper)
•    Comfortable

3. Study Smart

Get the most out of study time by implementing these tips:

•    Take frequent breaks
•    Complete one task at a time
•    Ask for help when you need it

Visit this website to learn more about quality homework time in middle school in Sunnyvale.

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